Annual Report Willen & Doen Foundation 2012
2012 was again a moving yea with many new developments. Hereunder a brief overview of all the important projects, actions and numbers. The overhead costz were again low, lesser than 3%!
Wil Groot (founder), Johannes Bak (chairman), Martin Lont (secretary), Arnold Vlaar (treasurer), Maarten Groot (webdesigner) and Jasper Bus (board member).
A new step for the Foundation Willen & Doen.
On April 18th there was the big opening of out Mawotsheni pilot project. Many VIPs from the regtion were present. The Netherlands were represented through Simon and Marloes, who dedicated themselves voluntarily to the project. Once again thank you for that. The construction of the building has been done by professionals from the community. The pilot project containts a children´s day care and nursery, community centre, a Spaza shop in order to promote the self reliance of the community, as well as a permaculture vegetable garden.
Kate-Getting Lewis is the manager and she is also specialised in the construction of permaculture vegetable gardens.
The costs of the project have mounted up so far to 40.000 euros.
In the community centre lessos of English and commerce have been given to the women from the community. They also learn how to make bags from old clothting and fabrics. They get lessons from Janis, who has a shop in Coffee Bay, where they are trained. Phumlani, working in the project, has set up a football club in the community.
Project Mavis
We have started to build up Mavis´ children day care at the Ntjileni community in September. This has been done by the community itself.
This is an organisation in the Netherlands that recruits professionals to work temporarily in a specific project.
Ronald Vonk gave the project advice for 5 weeks in managing the project. You can read his reports at Ronald has submitted the application for the Willen and Doen Zuid Afrika Foundation in collaboration with Kate. This is necessary to professionalize collaboration with the Ministry of Social Development. We do not get permission from them to open a children's home if we are not registered as a foundation in South Africa. We are also not eligible for sponsorship of Social Development for the preschool.
The Queerleaders
In Amsterdam the Queerleaders have started they work, using clothes from Jerone Jurg.
The show has taken place 7 times in festivals and parties. The revenue mounted up to 9295 and the number of donators has also largely increased. The shows have provided great publicity. This can be seen at the Willen & Doen facebook page.
Actions from third parties
Through actions from third parties we have collected around 5000 euros. Among others there were jubilarians who didnt want gift but instead contributionfs for Willen & Doen. A performance by the Queerleéders at the Krasnapolski was a big success. We also have been sponsorerd by 40MM. Actions were also held in North Holland.
HvA interims
We have started working together with Hogeschool van Amsterdam in September. Four CMV students have done research over improvements and professionalisation.
Mr. Peter van Delft supervises the interns.
Other projects
The revenues of the street actions was in 2012 higher than in the previous years.
Presentations at the Pink Saturday in Haarlem, Gay Pride, Hartjesdagen and Kwakoe were also a big success.
Presentations at the Krasnapolski for the sportsclub.
Actions in North Holland under guidance of Vera Wals and Afra Houtsma. Together with 3 other l&dies they have visited the project for 2 weeks. They have managed to gther 1500 euros for the projects.
The Christmas market at the Zeedijk was again very successful.
Presentations by men and women.
The numbers
This year we have invested in the Mawotsheni project and we have starteed working with the Mavis project.
For that we have made use of the money from the savings account, which had been earmarked for that.
Revenues and expenditure are both around EUR 32.000. EUR 20.354 have been taken from the savings account.
The foundation´s overhead costs have remained low (less than 3% of the expenditure).
2012 was an entrepreneuring year. We have started the Mawotsheni project.
A year of developmets where we have focussed on milestones.
Looking back; a moving and successful year.
Revenues 2012
Donatiions Private contributions
Actions third parties/Private sector
Street actions
Interest savings account
Cirque Classique
Total revenues
Centre of Joy
Volunteers Centrum
Private school Mavis
Bank costs
Other costs
Total expediture
Balance revenues -/-expeditures
Other costs
Hosting 2012+2011 Costs Queerleaders
License District Amsterdam Centrum
Balance Bank accounts Rabobank payment account Rabobank savings account
- 20.354,00
01-01-2012 31-12-2012
83,00 1.832,32
54.342,82 37.675,11
54.425,82 39.507,43
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