
Changing the world,

a matter of

Wanting it & Doing it


Function: Awareness in The Netherlands

Leadership: Wil Groot

Location: The Netherlands

Status: Continuous by invitation

Period: 2010 – now

It is very instructive to realize the differences in cultures. It holds up a mirror to us. Where are we Who are we and what can we learn from this? That is why Wil Groot regularly gives presentations in the Netherlands:

  • At schools
  • In men's or women's clubs
  • At Rotary's, who have a warm heart for the work of Willen & Doen.

Who are we? Why do we DO this? What do we WANT? Where do we get started and when is there success? These are the questions to which we provide answers during these presentations.

Are you involved in an organisation that is interested in our work and do you want to bridge between here and there? Send us an e-mail and we will contact you.


During presentations we sketch an image about the culture in which we work as a foundation. A place on earth where few people can read and write. With a rural population living in huts of mud stone with thatched roofs. People with a scanty diet.

The Xhosa culture in the Transkei has been around for a long time and is strongly intertwined with nature. Through the ages, knowledge was transferred from the old to the next, younger generations. An entire generation is now dying out due to HIV and AIDS; knowledge is thereby lost. Moreover, HIV and AIDS are tacitly accepted here; they don't talk about it.

In the urban areas of South Africa, many organizations are actively providing support. Yabonga, Etafeni and the Salesian Institute are some examples. In Rural (rural) areas hardly any help is offered. No electricity and water, no training, no asphalt roads and no public transport, its reasons why development aid stagnates or only penetrates to a mere measure. Yet it is of great importance that people learn to deal with HIV and, for example, get knowledge of what you do and what you do not eat when medicines cause side effects.