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Changing the world,

a matter of

Wanting it & Doing it


AIDS causes so much suffering in South Africa that despair has struck. In 2007, 18.5% were infected. In 2010, 45% died of an AIDS-related illness. A large percentage of the population does not know his or her status. There is a suspicion that this figure will increase to 50%. A change must take place. We focus primarily on disadvantaged children and their communities.

You can support our initiative by transferring a contribution to account number: NL50RABO0137977387 in the name of Stichting Willen en Doen in Amsterdam. All our proceeds this year go to the projects for disadvantaged children and their community..

For more information you can mail to:

Scan the QR code to pay € 5.00 for

Donation to Willen en Doen.
Use the Camera App on your phone.
The QR code can be paid by one person


The Willen and Doen Foundation has an ANBI status, which means that we are registered with the Tax Authorities as a public benefit organization. 

Thanks to incentive measures from the central government, our ANBI status makes it more beneficial to donate to the Willen and Doen Foundation. Donations by sponsors are (under certain conditions) deductible for corporation tax for these organizations; Donations by natural persons are deductible for income tax, the Give Act allows you as an individual to deduct an additional 25% from the tax (taking into account threshold amounts). Distributions from the Willing and Doing Foundation to the charities to which the foundation focuses are exempt from the right to donate; You can also read more about this on the site Below you will find the ANBI data for Stichting Willen en Doen.

Foundation Willen & Doen

Tweede Helmersstraat 119 ‐ 3.

1054CG Amsterdam

IBAN: NL50RABO 0137977387 | BIC/ swift: RABONL2U

Registration number KvK 34284272

RSIN number 818531629