Little Angel

Changing the world,

a matter of

Wanting it & Doing it


Function: South African education

Leadership: Mavis, Sweetnes and community

Location: Community centrum, Mawotsheni project, Coffee Bay

Status: Self-reliant. In collaboration with Willen & Doen

Period: 11 October 2013 - now

The opening took place on October 11, 2013. The entire community was present. Also the representatives of the ministries of education, social affairs and health. They were too amazed by the community's solidarity. Mavis quickly received green light from social Development, the ministry that financially supports childcare.

In 2012 we met Mavis. She taught 60 children in a room of 16 square meters. Mavis has difficulties to walk because of a disease , so she moves in a wheelchair. I met her while teaching, see photo. In 2013 a new day care center was built under the leadership of Selina Arends. This was done by the community.

The Oscar Romero school took action on May 2, 2013 and raised € 7500. An earlier campaign at this school also brought in € 2500. This was the budget for the day care center. In the end we invested € 2000 more. Chapeau for the students of Oscar Romero. They have contributed to the fact that there is now an Oscar Romero crèche in South Africa.

Oscar Romero – Little Angel runs well and completely self-reliant. A large vegetable garden has been built. They are supported by Lunchbox which sponsors dry food such as rice, corn and sugar beans. In addition, Foundation Nam sponsors  the porridge what the little ones get at breakfast.