

Annual Report Willen & Doen Foundation 2015

2015 was again a turbulent year, with change of management in South Africa, action at MBO West Amsterdam, a beneficient party in Hauwert and the great Tulipbrunch. Al always everything has been done by, and in cooperation with, interns and volunteers. Behind the scenes it was also a
tubulent year for the board. As always the overhead costs remained low.. 

Willen & Doen Amsterdam

In Amsterdam, the board has met more often than usual, due to the developments in South Africa. Remote guidance is never stainless. Due to the oil prices, there was an increase in the prices of materials and food. The latter are directly related the former.

We have started the Selena project. The numbers can be seen in the annual budget. We also disclose the numbers out the Mawotsheni annual budget. 


The Mawotsheni was managed until October by Riff Micho. He also managed the Selena project. Riff has passed the management over to Nola Elliot, after the opening of the Good Hope nursery school (Selena project). She started in December. Nontsha Sethe took it over from Ann Smith.

She has helped Nomaphuzi in the nursery school and does social work at the community. Her contact with the parents of the little kids has brought good results. A village council has been elected, which shall bring insight and participation regarding the developments of the Mawotsheni project. 

A kitchen was built next to the nursery in Mawotsheni. This was financed by Foundation Obonto. Many thanks for it. The nursery had in the first half of the year 30 children. After the holidays, 31. It has been decided
to use the community space whenever needed, until there is enough money to build a new room. 

Individual contributions, actions from third parties and the private sector

On January 22nd thre was a presentation at the Grote Markt by MBO West. This was again presented by Peter Farbe. Many volunteers and interns were active. The actions taken by the students were particularly remarkable, as they had prepared themselves fort wo semesters for
these two days. Many thanks to each one who has participated. There was a beneficent fest a month later in West Friesland, presented by Niels Velthorst and Eelco Groen. Also this action yielded a lot.

Frank Timmerman, Jeroen Boukens and other volunteers organised the Tulipbrunch on April 26th.The Willen & Doen logo was visible through the tulips. A great action, where 100 people came to the table. Brunch among the tulips was also a real success. Kees Kramer organised 6 weeks later
the Green Street day at the Jordaan in Amsterdam. Private donations came even from Switzerland. Many thanks to all. 

Project Celena - Good Hope Nursery School

At the end of March there was a new action in Ntjileni. A party was organised by the community for the start of the works. The planned timeframe is a half year. The construction shall be ready in October and then “Good Hope” shall be opened. It looks fantastic.

The planned budget has not been reached. Together with the donation of the Chef CommandeurFoundation we came up to 25.000 euros. This amount was invested in the construction of the school and the lay out of the vegetable garden. The material costs were higher than expected. We
still managed to open in October. It was a great party, where the whole community offered its contribution. The grateful ness was big. 

The numbers

There was a decrease in cash this year, caused by the construction of the Good Hope nursery school. Regarding the costen they are still extremely low. We are a non-profit and we work with volunteers. That make sus strong. 


This was a moving year, with many actions as highlight like the beneficent party in Hauwert, the Tulipbrunch, MBO party, where Peter Faber and Orlando Landsdorf presented the Willen & Doen Foundation. Thank you to both for their contribution. We also thank MBO teachers Bea Yskes and
Arnold van Koolwijk fort heir contribution, both in Holland as in South Africa.

The highlight in the Transkei was the opening of the Good Hope pre-school, which we would not have managed without the help of our volunteers and interns. We thank them all on behalf of the children and the employees of the project, the board and me. 

Revenues 2015

Donations                                      Individual donations 
Action third parties/Private sector            ROC
Street actions                                    Tulpen lunch
Interest saving accounts 

Total revenues

Good Hope                                            Bank costs                                          Brunch costs
Purchase hartjes
Other costs 

Total expediture

Balance revenue -/- expediture


Balance Bank Accounts                            Rabobank payments account          Rabobank savings account                                                                                             


Decrease in cash





- 13.227,92


  01-01-2015                 31-12-2015
9.704,99                      2.310,33
35.284,81                   29.451,44
44.989,80                   31.761,77


- 13.228,03