

Annual Report Willen & Doen Foundation 2016

Hereby the 2016 annual report. A year in which a lot has happened and been done in the projects in the Transkei. A new management change in Mawotsheni. Nola Elliot has passed over her work in June to Zelri Vicente, Nomapuzie Mtyana and Nontsha Sethe. This has been agred with the
community direction. The ladies want to work together. The villace council also agreed with it. Behind the scenes it has been a busy year for the board as well. The overhead costs remained low.  

Willen & Doen Amsterdam

The board has met in Amsterdam more often than usual, due to the developments in South Africa. Remote guidance never goes without cracks. In any case the setup ofthe community committee was a big step further. Through this way public participation and further development ar


The Mawotsheni project has been led by Nola Elliot until June. The project is now managed by three ladies, with the committee as back support. This way there is more insight and participation. We got from instancies the advice to setup a NPO foundation for each project. If the three nurseries are managed by the same foundation, it is more difficult to get sponsoring from the Ministry of Social Development. The Foundation Wilen & Doen South Africa has therefore become the Mawotsheni Community Project. There is also a new website for it:


There were again problems with drink water. As a consequence, the kids got skin rashes. There was also a flea plague. This has also affected the kidsĀ“ health. Therefore there was an extra investment in hygiene. The roof of the main house has also been changed as it was leaking. The nursery counted with 28 kids in the first half of the year. After the  holidays there were 26. At the end of the year we plan to purchase a van.

Individual donations, actions from third parties and the private sector

The Green Street day in the Jordaan in Amsterdam was again a success. Thank you to the efforts of the volunteers. Particular donations came also from Switzerland. There were also a few parties where the host asked for donations for Willen & Doen. We thank them for that.

Project Celena - Good Hope Nursery School

Good Hope in Ntjileni is doing well. The community is happy with the project and is dedicated to it. It remains stiff though. Foundation Obonto has offered to help us last year. The last news was that there were 21 kids there. The teacher will get a Montessori training. This is progress. Selena has also asked for a NPO Foundation. It has been decided to work together with the Mawotsheni project. We are also cooperating with the Little Angels nursery, where Mavis is in control. Little Angels has been sponsored a few years ago mostly by the Oscar Romero school community in Hoorn.

The numbers

The decrease in cash has increased this year. This is due to fewer actions. Regarding the costs, they remain extremely low. We are a non-profit and work only with volunteers. That makes us strong. 


This was a year with changes and growth. It was quiet in Amsterdam. Quatermaster Wil Groot spent a few weeks in Mawotsheni in June due to a change in leadership. Furthermore thanks to all on behalf of the kids, the employees and the projects, the board and me. 

Revenues 2016

Donations                                      Individual donations 
Actions third parties/ private sector          ROC                                                      Tulpen lunch
Interest saving account

Total revenues 

Mawotsheni car                                            Obonto Project Celena                        Good Hope                                            Bank costs                                          Brunch costs
Other costs

Total revenues

Balance revenues -/- expediture


Balance Bank accounts                            Rabobank payment accounts          Rabobank saving accounts                                                                                                  


Decrease in Cash







  01-01-2016                 31-12-2016
2.310,33                         343,86
29.451,44                    27.327,32
31.761,77                    27.671,18


- 4.090,59